MASTERING MANAGEMENTASE Certs Can Equal College Credit
The American Council on Education's (ACE) Commission on Educational Credit and Credentials has recommended that credit be granted to those technicians who have passed National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification tests and have the required work experience. ACE is the major organization that reviews and recommends credit for experience to colleges and universities in the United States.
How do I get credit? Neither ASE nor ACE awards the college credit. This is the sole decision of the individual institution, says ASE. Technicians seeking college credit should first contact their school or the institution in which they plan to enroll to determine if the ACE credit recommendations will be considered. A current list of educational institutions that accept ACE recommendations, is available online at or at the ACE Web site at
Once your chosen institution has decided to grant college credit for ASE certifications, you may request that ASE forward a transcript of your ASE record directly to the institution. The fee is $5.00 per transcript request to ASE.
To Request A Transcript Mail a request that includes:
* School Data: Name of Institution, Name/Department, and Address.
* Personal Data: Technician's Name, ASE I.D. Number, Address, Telephone Number.
Sign your letter and include a check or money order for $5. Mail your request
ASE Transcript Service
National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence
101 Blue Seal Drive., Suite 101
Leesburg, VA 20175For more information, visit ASE's Web site at