Noah Brown

Noah Brown is a freelance writer and former senior digital editor for 10 Missions Media, where he facilitated multimedia production several of the company's publications.


Learning to Let Go

Sept. 13, 2024
Delegation can be difficult, but letting go of some day-to-day responsibilities could save your shop and yourself.
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ESOPs and Succession Planning

Aug. 9, 2024
Planning on selling your shop in the next few years? Here’s why an employee stock ownership plan may be the right move.
Adobe Stock 291479821

Preparing for Inspections

July 15, 2024
Your shop could be subject to inspections from a number of agencies. Here’s how to ace them.
Photo by Jay Sicht

Build with Electrification in Mind 

June 10, 2024
Planning a new shop? Ensuring you can repair EVs could be a worthwhile investment.