Mitchell 1 integrated its with the Google™ search feature in April. Since then, the site has received more than one million hits a month, the company states. “We’re thrilled by the reaction that we’ve received to our with the Google Search feature,” says Gary Hixson, product manager for Mitchell 1. “With several million hits since its inception in April, Google has become the place to visit for superior relevancy returns that go beyond the article titles and headlines to find answers within the body of the article. Users are able to find what they’re looking for faster and easier than ever before.”’s new Google search incorporates features such as Google’s own spell check feature, search results with context information and a “search suggest” feature that helps users pick exactly the right words they are looking to search. Additionally, Mitchell’s new Google search also searches technical service bulletins (TSBs) and exclusive OnDemandLive Tips so that users can easily find all of the incredible time-saving information stored in Mitchell 1’s delivers comprehensive data for 1983 to current domestic and import vehicle models. It includes the new OnDemand Live feature, where users view and share tips, as well as access clear illustrations and full-color wiring diagrams, complete diagnostics, tech bulletins and recalls, scheduled maintenance with labor times, automatic monthly data updates and OEM parts and pricing. For more information, visit or |