Carol Badaracco Padgett

Carol Badaracco Padgett is an Atlanta-based writer and FenderBender freelance contributor who covers the automotive industry, film and television, architectural design, and other topics for media outlets nationwide. A FOLIO: Eddie Award-winning editor, writer, and copywriter, she is a graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism and holds a Master of Arts in communication from Mizzou’s College of Arts & Science. 

Square One Systems/Erin Solis
Drug-testing Car

Does Your Customer’s Car Have a Drug Problem?

Theft-recovery vehicles often take a dark and dangerous journey.
Pexels, sanketmishra18610082

Is Social Media Your Most Reliable Driver of Business?

A business website that runs consistently means your body shop is always ready to roll.

Keeping Your Books … Better

Here's a guide to Quickbooks and bookkeeping for novices.
Balancing benefits

Benefits That Speak to Generations Y and Z

Get creative and go beyond the typical benefit package.