However, not all adhesive converters are created equal. Each converter of Pressure Sensitive Adhesive (PSA) and non-PSA components offers distinct advantages. The following five criteria can help you measure an adhesive converter's capabilities:
1. Think globally
A global company can shepherd its customers from product concept all the way through design, production and shipping. As a greater percentage of companies go offshore for manufacturing, or as they begin to incorporate more multi-site locations, there is a corresponding need for adhesive converters that can provide a local sales and manufacturing presence combined with a global reach.
By being able to integrate all of a company's locations, a successful converter can consolidate its customers' supply chain and help them gain speed to market.
It should also be noted that many customer companies are, indeed, global companies themselves. Consequently, it's advantageous for the adhesives converter to be a global company, to act as an effective "link" between the global entities at each end of the supply chain.
2. Supporting the whole process
As profit margins get slashed, it's vital that every supplier is capable of more than simply providing a quality product or service. It is equally critical for suppliers to help their customers maximize cost efficiency in their entire supply chain.
To accomplish this objective, converters must understand all aspects of their customers' operations. They need to be able to study the product they're being asked to make and analyze the flow of that product throughout the customers' total design, manufacturing and delivery procedure.
Ultimately, the best converters optimize their customers' processes. A corollary to supporting the whole process is being a single-source supplier.
3. Quality standards
The adhesive converter should be familiar with the standards of the industry and be prepared to meet them at every step of the manufacturing and delivery process. They must also know how to be sensitive to the internal quality needs of the shop for whom the product is being created.
4. Quality suppliers
Converters with strong supplier networks have access to quality raw materials, as well as suppliers' technologically advanced processes. They also have access to suppliers' technical teams, its business savvy and even its brainstorming capabilities.
When looking for an adhesives converter, ask the converter what suppliers they use. Then conduct research on those companies. Find out their technological capabilities. Assess their financial stability. Check out their client lists.
5. The spirit of innovation
You can be the best adhesive converter in the world from a logistical perspective, but without good equipment, you're a second-tier player at best. Ask how old a converter's equipment is and find out how often they upgrade it.
Make sure the company you choose has talented people who are experts in their field at all levels. Also, try to determine the average length of employment.
A supplier of any kind that can save you production time in the shop can be an asset for your bottom line. When considering adhesive converters, it's safe to say you'll want one that helps your business and one that will stick around for years to come.