Five Florida families get Recycled Rides at NACE

Jan. 1, 2020
The National Auto Body Council (NABC) changed the lives of five Florida families on Oct. 7 at the NACE convention in Orlando by giving them each a newly refurbished vehicle through Recycled Rides.
The National Auto Body Council (NABC) changed the lives of five Florida families on Oct. 7 at the NACE convention in Orlando by giving them each a newly refurbished vehicle through Recycled Rides, a national initiative that refurbishes donated vehicles and gives them to families in need and organizations dedicated to assisting others.


The program works with charities in specific geographic areas to find qualified recipients that need a vehicle on which they can depend to continue leading productive lives.

Marenza Guyos and her four-year-old daughter from Jacksonville, Fla., received their vehicle in conjunction with the charity Community Connections located in the same city.

Two recipient families are graduates of Family Promise of Orlando, a non-profit interfaith network that provides support to families in crisis. The first of these, the Fox family, consists of a mother and father and four children, three of which have special needs that require frequent doctors’ appointments that are difficult to keep when public transportation is the only option.

The Yates family was the second Family Promise recipient. They moved to Florida to take care of a sick aunt. After experiencing initial difficulty finding full-time jobs, both parents are now employed and have saved enough money to move into a home with their 16- year old daughter. However, a lack of reliable transportation continues to impede their economic progress, forcing them to spend a disproportionate amount of time shopping for groceries, running errands and going to doctors’ appointments.

Vehicles for the other two recipient families were facilitated by the charity Wheels for Success. Diana is a mother of three children, ages five, six, and eight. She needed a vehicle for a variety of reasons: transporting her children to school, bringing her father to doctor’s appointments, and getting to and from school where she is getting an education that will help her better her family’s prospects.





The second Wheels for Success recipient family is headed by Michael and Ivy Rossi, who have two children, ages six and eight. Michael is physically disabled and receives state assistance. This vehicle will help the family get back on their feet.

Esurance and Allstate were the contributing insurance companies that made available the vehicles to be repaired. The collision repair facilities that did the work are NABC members Sterling Autobody Centers, Sunbeam Auto Body, and Autobody Resurrection CARSTAR.

“The five families in Orlando are just a fraction of the 150 families who will receive the gift of reliable transportation from Recycled Rides this year,” said Nick Notte, Recycled Rides co-chairman and president of Sterling Autobody Centers. “That’s 150 families who will receive the opportunity to make better lives for themselves through the intra-industry efforts of the program. I am grateful to be part of a project that clearly illustrates the giving nature of NABC members and the collision repair industry in general.”

Recycled Rides® is a community awareness project whereby members of the NABC repair and donate refurbished vehicles to families and service organizations in need throughout the United States. A green program, Recycled Rides® recruits auto body shops, insurers, paint suppliers and parts vendors to contribute in their own specific ways.

NABC is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the image of the collision industry. Our ongoing and continued success is a direct result of the efforts and support of our sponsoring companies and membership. Please contact NABC directly for membership information. Call 1-888-667-7433 (888-66PRIDE) or go to

The National Auto Body Council (NABC) changed the lives of five Florida families on Oct. 7 at the NACE convention in Orlando by giving them each a newly refurbished vehicle through Recycled Rides, a national initiative that refurbishes donated vehicles and gives them to families in need and organizations dedicated to assisting others.


The program works with charities in specific geographic areas to find qualified recipients that need a vehicle on which they can depend to continue leading productive lives.

Marenza Guyos and her four-year-old daughter from Jacksonville, Fla., received their vehicle in conjunction with the charity Community Connections located in the same city.

Two recipient families are graduates of Family Promise of Orlando, a non-profit interfaith network that provides support to families in crisis. The first of these, the Fox family, consists of a mother and father and four children, three of which have special needs that require frequent doctors’ appointments that are difficult to keep when public transportation is the only option.

The Yates family was the second Family Promise recipient. They moved to Florida to take care of a sick aunt. After experiencing initial difficulty finding full-time jobs, both parents are now employed and have saved enough money to move into a home with their 16- year old daughter. However, a lack of reliable transportation continues to impede their economic progress, forcing them to spend a disproportionate amount of time shopping for groceries, running errands and going to doctors’ appointments.

Vehicles for the other two recipient families were facilitated by the charity Wheels for Success. Diana is a mother of three children, ages five, six, and eight. She needed a vehicle for a variety of reasons: transporting her children to school, bringing her father to doctor’s appointments, and getting to and from school where she is getting an education that will help her better her family’s prospects.





The second Wheels for Success recipient family is headed by Michael and Ivy Rossi, who have two children, ages six and eight. Michael is physically disabled and receives state assistance. This vehicle will help the family get back on their feet.

Esurance and Allstate were the contributing insurance companies that made available the vehicles to be repaired. The collision repair facilities that did the work are NABC members Sterling Autobody Centers, Sunbeam Auto Body, and Autobody Resurrection CARSTAR.

“The five families in Orlando are just a fraction of the 150 families who will receive the gift of reliable transportation from Recycled Rides this year,” said Nick Notte, Recycled Rides co-chairman and president of Sterling Autobody Centers. “That’s 150 families who will receive the opportunity to make better lives for themselves through the intra-industry efforts of the program. I am grateful to be part of a project that clearly illustrates the giving nature of NABC members and the collision repair industry in general.”

Recycled Rides® is a community awareness project whereby members of the NABC repair and donate refurbished vehicles to families and service organizations in need throughout the United States. A green program, Recycled Rides® recruits auto body shops, insurers, paint suppliers and parts vendors to contribute in their own specific ways.

NABC is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the image of the collision industry. Our ongoing and continued success is a direct result of the efforts and support of our sponsoring companies and membership. Please contact NABC directly for membership information. Call 1-888-667-7433 (888-66PRIDE) or go to

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