AA Auto updates privacy policy for consumers

Jan. 1, 2020
AA Auto Protection, a broker of extended warranties for automobiles, has introduced its Privacy Protection Guarantee, which it states is a commitment to car warranty consumers that their personal information will never be sold, traded, or otherwise s

AA Auto Protection, a broker of extended warranties for automobiles, has introduced its Privacy Protection Guarantee, which it states is a commitment to car warranty consumers that their personal information will never be sold, traded, or otherwise shared with other marketers.  

Newly-appointed head of the Customer Service Department, James Fortino, reports that AA Auto Protection's Privacy Protection Guarantee promises consumers that personal information that they provide to obtain a quote or to enroll in an extended warranty will remain confidential. The guarantee further states that the company will not sell, rent or otherwise voluntarily share information with any third party not directly involved with the company.

Fortino explained the move as a measure to address customer concerns about privacy.

"They say privacy is dead, but we don't believe that," says Fortino. "If a client gives us their personal contact and vehicle information to get an extended warranty or a quote for one, that information isn't going anywhere."

AA Auto Protection has never been affiliated with other marketers, nor have they purchased, sold or shared consumer information, it states. The Privacy Protection Guarantee is not considered a change in company policy, but a strengthening of it.

"This guarantee isn't meant to change what we've always done. It just means we're prepared to put our money where our mouth is, or at least where our privacy policy has always been," Fortino adds.

The first line of AA Auto Protection's privacy policy, the company reports, has always been: "Any information you provide will only be used to serve the purpose for which you submit it. We will not sell, rent or otherwise share your information with anyone else."

The launch of the Privacy Protection Guarantee is in response to widespread consumer concerns about how personal information they submit online is being used. Buying, selling and sharing consumer information is becoming a more common activity by marketers of auto warranties, among other industries. Privacy watchdogs have been relatively unsuccessful in persuading companies to curtail the practice.

"We've never been the type of company to wait for official regulation to tell us to do the right thing, we just do it anyway," says Fortino. "Customers should always check the privacy policies of any extended warranty company they’re considering doing business with. Or any company, period."

For more information, visit www.aaautowarranty.com.

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