Art Harris
The Database Enhancement Gateway, also know as The DEG, is an initiative developed to help improve the quality and accuracy of collision repair estimates, through proactive feedback from the collision repair industry and other "end users" to the Information Providers (IPs) that supply the databases for the various estimating products. The DEG is created, equally funded and maintained by the Automotive Service Association (ASA), the Alliance of Automotive Service Providers (AASP) and the Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS).
DEG Administrator Art Harris, is a monthly contributor to the AutoPro Workshop. Below are his blogs.
Determining reimbursement for vehicle wash after teardown
Before starting a repair or even an estimate, I know some shops wash or clean the vehicle beforehand. This operation is not included in CCC, so time would need to be manually entered for compensation.
Roof molding replacement labor times
The DEG received three inquiries on the same issue for Audatex, CCC and Mitchell. The shop had submitted these inquiries because they felt the time in the systems to replace the roof molding was not enough given the amount of rivets and time needed to remove the part.
Getting proper labor rates on wheel R&I
In the past, if you were to R&I more than one wheel in CCC, the first wheel would pay labor, but the additional wheels would show as included. Same goes if you replaced a wheel. This was frustrating and the DEG approached CCC many times asking for a fix to the problem.
Is full frame replacement a body, mechanical or frame operation
When replacing the full frame on a vehicle, mostly trucks and SUVs, there are challenges that we face as a repair shop. Space, parts delivery and coordinating outside vendors are just a few of these issues. If your facility has an in-house mechanic capable of performing the mechanical operations, it makes the job easier, but still, a daunting task. Continue reading.
Welder setup in Audatex
Before you can weld a new panel to a vehicle, you need to perform a test weld and also setup the welder for the particular metal you are welding. Continue reading.
Materials are NOT included
It seems that more and more there are adjusters telling shops that some materials are included in the labor times of the estimating systems and this in incorrect. Continue reading.
Prime and block
During the repair of a panel, it is necessary to finish the repair (body filler) with a final sand and block to make sure the repair is invisible. Continue reading.
Why is my estimate different than the adjuster’s estimate?
This is a question that frequently comes up at the DEG. There are 2 different scenarios for this issue. Continue reading.
Where are the P-Pages?
P-Pages or estimating guides as they are also called play a key role in an accurate estimate. Continue reading.
Printed labor report in Audatex
When replacing a component in Audatex, there may be some question of the included items that are associated with it. Continue reading.
Labor showing as included for inner wheelhouse
A shop replacing the quarter panel and inner and outer wheelhouse on a 2013 Suzuki SX4 noticed when writing the estimate that the quarter panel paid 15 hours and the outer wheelhouse paid 3 hours. Continue reading.
Don’t argue, educate
Utilizing the DEG either by submitting an inquiry or reviewing the extensive database of submitted inquiries can be a useful tool when trying to educate someone. Continue reading.
Motor releases update to the estimating guide or P-Pages
Motor, which is the database that CCC utilizes, has released an updated estimating guide that can be found on the Motor website or by visiting the DEG website. Continue reading.
Another backside refinish question
The following is an inquiry that was submitted to CCC about refinishing the backside of a fender. Continue reading.
Tranny plan on F-150 mechanical
Whether you have a dedicated technician/shop, send it out or do the work in house, when there is a mistake in the estimating system for a mechanical operation it can be even more challengeing. Continue reading.
Needed additional time on Hyundai quarter panel
The inquiry below is an example that shows when an estimating system has a time that is not accurate to the actual time needed to replace a part. Continue reading.
Incorrect part numbers
The following inquiry is an example of when a part or parts in the estimating database are listed incorrectly and should be listed as another part in the database. Continue reading.
Backside refinish
When replacing or repairing a part, sometimes you may need to refinish the backside or underside of the panel. Continue reading.
Something’s not right
There may come a time when you write an estimate and something just does not feel right about how the estimating system is calculating the time. Continue reading.
Missing labor
Each week the DEG receives several inquiries in reference to parts that are in the estimating systems but there is no labor associated with that part. Continue reading.
Trunk floor underside
When replacing a trunk floor, it may be necessary to refinish the underside of the panel. Continue reading.
P-Pages and estimating guides revisited
How often do you review the P-Pages or estimating guides? Continue reading.
Overlap in CCC
Overlap is defined on page G5 of the Motor Guide to estimate as the following: when replacing two or more components, the duplication of included labor procedures is known as overlap. Continue reading.
Adjuster and shop’s estimates do not match!
The DEG received several inquiries each month because a shop is trying to match or copy an estimate from the insurance company, but cannot make the estimates match even the shop and insurance company are using the same estimating system. Continue reading.
Tire pressure light reset is not included in CCC
If you replace a wheel or tire, it may be necessary to reset the TPMS. Continue reading.
Materials for seam sealer in CCC
When replacing a welded panel in CCC One, the labor for the application of seam sealer is an included operation and not the materials you can see on page G10 of the Guide to Estimating or P-Pages for CCC/Motor. Continue reading.
Weld damage
Weld damage is damage that occurs to the adjacent panels during the welding process and is not included in the labor time provided in the estimating systems. Continue reading.