Car Care Council set to launch its 'Drive $marter Challenge'

Jan. 1, 2020
With gas prices soaring to astronomical levels, the Car Care Council has renewed its attempt to inform consumers that regular vehicle maintenance will improve gas mileage. In an effort to strengthen this urgent call to action, the council has partner

With gas prices soaring to astronomical levels, the Car Care Council has renewed its attempt to inform consumers that regular vehicle maintenance will improve gas mileage. In an effort to strengthen this urgent call to action, the council has partnered with the Alliance to Save Energy, The Wal-Mart Foundation and more than a dozen other companies and organizations to help promote their new "Drive $marter Challenge" as part of the "Be Car Care Aware" consumer education campaign.

The "Drive $marter Challenge" campaign, which will be launched May 20, reinforces the on-going activities of the Car Care Council by educating and inspiring Americans to increase the efficiency of their cars. The alliance is a non-profit coalition of business, government, environmental and consumer leaders who promote the efficient and clean use of energy worldwide to benefit the environment, the economy and national security.

"While consumers can do nothing to control rising gas prices, they can take control of how much gas they use; and one of the best and most cost effective ways is through regular vehicle maintenance that results in more miles to the gallon," says Rich White, executive director, Car Care Council. "We need to drive home this message as often and from every direction possible. Our partnership with the Alliance to Save Energy and its new 'Drive $marter Challenge' will significantly multiply message delivery for both organizations.

"We enthusiastically welcome the Car Care Council as a partner in the timely Drive $marter Challenge campaign, whose messages and goals mesh so well with those of the council's ongoing 'Be Car Care Aware' campaign," adds Alliance president Kateri Callahan. "We are confident that both campaigns will be furthered by our partnership. And as we enter the summer driving season at this time of spiraling gas prices, it's essential to convey to drivers that simple yet effective car maintenance measures, combined with fuel-efficient driving habits such as sticking to the speed limit, will mean fewer costly trips to the pump."

The Car Care Council is the source of information for the "Be Car Care Aware" consumer education campaign promoting the benefits of regular vehicle care, maintenance and repair to consumers. For a copy of the council's Car Care Guide or for more information, visit the council's Web site.

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