Mitchell 1 announces the availability of the new Shop
Management SE Viewer application for Snap-on's VERUS®
Diagnostic and Information System and VERDICT™ Diagnostic and
Information System. Professional automotive technicians can
download the free program from the
Snap-on website.
“Repair technicians in the service bay will be able to
wirelessly retrieve assigned estimates and repair orders
directly from the shop management system using the Shop
Management SE Viewer application,” said Anton Jagers, product
manager for Mitchell 1. “They will be able to view assigned
labor operations, parts lists and notes. Techs can also submit
information back to the shop management system including
notes, mileage out, status of the repair and location of the
“Shop Management Viewer places a completely unique
communication capability within the repair shop,” said Alex
McCarl, business development manager for Snap-on Diagnostics.
“Technicians can communicate directly with the service writer
through the shop’s management system, right from the bay. It
will maximize service bay productivity for improved efficiency
and increased customer satisfaction.”
The Shop Management SE Viewer application is compatible with
version 6.4 or higher of Snap-on’s ShopKey® Service Writer SE
and Shop Management SE. The software is also compatible with
version 6.4 or higher of
Mitchell 1’s Manager SE and ManagerPlus SE. An active
subscription to one of these shop management products is
required to make use of the Shop Management SE Viewer.
For more information visit