AASP offers grants to improve the industry

Jan. 1, 2020
The Alliance of Automotive Service Providers (AASP) is now accepting grant applications to fund initiatives having the purpose of improving or advancing the collision and mechanical repair industries. Grant requests will be accepted through Sept. 30

The Alliance of Automotive Service Providers (AASP) is now accepting grant applications to fund initiatives having the purpose of improving or advancing the collision and mechanical repair industries. Grant requests will be accepted through Sept. 30 and reviewed at the AASP Board of Directors meeting in November. 

Citing the wealth of great ideas that exist to strengthen and improve the industry, at its Spring Board meeting AASP committed to facilitate the funding necessary to bring them to reality. 

Preference will be given to those initiatives that demonstrate innovative and collaborative projects and programs that address unmet needs within the mechanical and collision industries. Grant proposals must have a sponsoring AASP Affiliate and/or involvement of the AASP National office.

“I look forward to hearing some of the ideas that the grant program brings about,” says Rick Starbard, AASP president. “We are always on the lookout for opportunities to participate in and advance initiatives that make the industry a better place for our members.”

Interested parties can visit www.autoserviceproviders.com for additional information and to download a grant application.

AASP already invests in the industry at the local level through educational grants to AASP Affiliate organizations. To date, AASP has contributed over $30,000 towards management and technical educational programming hosted by AASP Affiliates. In addition, AASP founded, funds and maintains the Database Enhancement Gateway in collaboration with the Automotive Service Association and Society of Collision Repair Specialists.

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