AIR-serv introducing nationwide 'Don't Wait to Inflate!' tire pressure education program

Jan. 1, 2020
AIR-serv, which offers tire inflation and vacuum services at 65,000 U.S. gasoline stations, convenience stores and car washes, is embarking upon a program to educate drivers about how to reduce gas costs by keeping their tires properly inflated.

AIR-serv, which offers tire inflation and vacuum services at 65,000 U.S. gasoline stations, convenience stores and car washes, is embarking upon a program to educate drivers about how to reduce gas costs by keeping their tires properly inflated.

If American drivers “air up” when they fill up, they could reduce the amount of gasoline they use. That savings could amount to 1.2 billion gallons each year, according to the U.S. Government Accountability Office.

At $4 per gallon, not inflating tires properly could be costing American drivers as much as $4.8 billion a year. The cost to an individual driver would be about $100.

“Under-inflated tires are clearly costly to consumers and to our nation’s energy conservation effort,” says Andy Carr, AIR-serv’s executive vice president.

“We are helping consumers understand the cost savings of properly inflated tires,” he explains, “and how their individual actions can contribute to a sustainable environment and reduce our dependence on foreign oil.”

The company is alerting its 65,000 distributor locations throughout the country about the education program. They can then alert their customers.

The education initiative is also debuting a new superhero known as “Airman,” created as an attention-getting action figure for the company to promote its “Don’t Wait to Inflate!” campaign.

“Airman carries an important message to the motoring public in a fun and memorable way,” says Carr. “We hope to reach as many of the some 170 million motorists who ‘air up’ at our locations each year as possible.”

Carr goes on to point out that even the two presidential candidates seem to agree with the concept: Sen. Barack Obama declared, “We could save all the oil that they’re talking about getting off drilling, if everybody was just inflating their tires and getting regular tune-ups.” Sen. John McCain responded, “Obama said . . . we all should inflate our tires. I don’t disagree with that. The American Automobile Association strongly recommends it.”

For more information, visit

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