Two LCD screens in the Edge provide the driver with an instant view of energy use by the lithium-ion battery pack and fuel cell.
(Photo: Ford Motor Co.)
The plug-in hybrid is powered by a 336-volt lithium-ion battery pack at all times. The vehicle drives the first 25 miles each day on stored electricity alone, after which the fuel cell begins operating to keep the battery pack charged. This provides another 200 miles of range, for a total of 225 miles with zero emissions. Ford says individual experiences will vary widely and can stretch out the time between fill-ups to more than 400 miles:
* Drivers with modest daily needs would need to refuel only rarely.
* Drivers who travel less than 50 miles each day will see fuel economy well over 80 mpg.
A Hybrid
for the FutureThe HySeries Drive name is derived from the powertrain’s structure: a hydrogen fuel-cell-powered series hybrid drivetrain. This approach reduces the size, weight, cost and complexity of a conventional fuel cell system by more than 50 percent. It also promises to more than double the lifetime of the fuel cell stack.* Drivers with long daily commutes will see somewhat lower numbers, as the fuel cell must run a larger fraction of the time.
The vehicle can travel at speeds of up to 85 mph. An on-board charger (110/220 VAC) can refresh the battery pack when a standard home outlet is available, making the concept a true plug-in hybrid.
When the battery pack is depleted to approximately 40 percent, the hydrogen fuel cell – supplied by Ford partner Ballard – automatically turns on and begins generating electricity to recharge the batteries. Like a conventional automobile, the HySeries Drive Edge will go until it runs out of fuel – in this case via a 350-bar hydrogen tank that supplies 4.5 kg of useable hydrogen.
Ford acknowledges that many significant technical hurdles need to be overcome before the vehicle can move beyond the concept stage. Fuel cell vehicles remain expensive, costing millions of dollars each. And the single biggest hurdle to plug-ins remains the cost of lithium-ion batteries. Much work also needs to be done to make fuel cells more durable and to create a hydrogen infrastructure.
Ford currently has a fleet of 30 hydrogen-powered Focus fuel cell vehicles on the road as part of a worldwide, seven-city program to conduct real-world testing of fuel cell technology. The fleet has accumulated more than 300,000 miles since its inception
(Source: Ford Motor Co.)