New Page 1MASTERING MANAGEMENTSurviving The Severe Weather Season OVERLAND PARK, KS (May 9, 2006) - June 1 marks the beginning of hurricane season in the Atlantic. Last year, worldwide insurance and reinsurance losses related to the five major hurricanes that hit the United States were estimated at $57.6 billion, according to Advisen Ltd. If a company is going to survive disasters like these, says Universal Underwriters Insurance Co., it must have a recovery plan. "The overall goal of a disaster recovery plan is to return your business to normal operations as quickly as possible," says Jeff Lubberts, director of Major Loss, Universal Underwriters. "A recovery plan helps businesses maintain cash flow, protect employees, keep customer relations positive and retain their client base. While property insurance will repair or replace facilities, interruptions in business operations can cause lost customers, employees and vendors." With another severe weather season approaching, businesses should review their insurance policies and ensure they have the proper coverage in place in the event of a disaster, advises Universal Underwriters. "During last year's Gulf storms, many homes and businesses were affected by flood damage," says Lubberts. "The tragic part of this storm damage is that many of these businesses and homes did not have flood insurance and all or much of their loss was not covered." When reviewing their insurance policies, Lubberts encourages businesses to take into account even those issues they believe are low-to-medium risk. After reviewing all insurance policies, businesses can create a disaster recovery plan by following these steps:
* Identify disaster exposures. Disasters can be natural, manmade and even political.
* Identify any potential hazards, such as fire, flood, tornados and the loss of an important supplier.
* Identify critical personnel, equipment and data. "Critical" refers to any employee, piece of equipment or data your business needs to function. Evaluate all aspects of your business to determine what elements must be in place to return to normalcy quickly.
* Collect all the pertinent information. Create a list of every piece of information important to your business. This list should include inventories, telephone numbers, equipment listings, vendor lists, software inventory and other important items. It should be stored in a secure location, accessible from outside the company's building.
* Develop a formal written disaster recovery plan. All of the above information should be incorporated into a plan that identifies specific disaster scenarios, steps that will protect the business prior to the disaster and instructions for getting operations back to normal as quickly and efficiently as possible.
* Test the plan. Test the plan initially to ensure it has accounted for everything necessary in a disaster. Review and update the plan annually and as exposures to loss change. Businesses are not alone when creating a disaster recovery plan. Universal Underwriters recommends these organizations to help you get organized:
* Institute for Business and Home Safety Web site at
* Disaster Recovery Journal at
* American Red Cross at
* National Emergency Management Association at For more information on creating a disaster recovery plan, visit the Universal Underwriters Web site at Click on the Online Resources section and access the company's "Loss Prevention Library" articles.
(Source: Universal Underwriters