3M donated more than
10,000 rolls of masking tape through the Collision Repair
Education Foundation (formerly the I-CAR Education
Foundation) to 260 secondary and post-secondary
collision programs nationwide. More than 3,000 rolls of ¾’’ making tape and
7,000 rolls of 3’’ masking tape were distributed to
collision programs in total equaling a $140,000 product
donation that will ease collision department budgets.
“This donation is just one of many from 3M that have been made to the Collision Repair Education Foundation, which
have been in turn provided to collision school programs,”
stated Collision Repair Education Foundation Executive
Director, Scott Kruger. “Over the past 2 years, 3M has
provided over $1.5 million in product donations to the
Foundation and instructors have been overwhelmed with
gratitude as these types of gifts assist in their efforts to
instruct the future professionals of our industry. On behalf
of collision repair students and instructors nationwide, we
thank 3M for their continued support.”
Mid Florida Technical Institute (Orlando, Fla.) Collision
Instructor James Huston said, “I want to thank 3M and the
Collision Repair Education Foundation for the in-kind tape
donation. Our school budgets have been cut drastically so
help from companies like 3M is the only way we can survive
these hard times. We need to continue training new people to
replace the aging workforce in the auto collision industry
and really appreciate the help.”
“3M is a strong believer in supporting education and we are
glad to partner with the Collision Repair Education
Foundation to provide students and instructors with needed
collision repair material,” stated 3M Global Masking
Business Manager Amy McLaughlin. “We know masking tape is
used in almost every repair and it is nice to be able to
offer them a good quality tape to do their jobs.”
For additional information visit www.3M.com.