2010 Internet Products / Service
Mitchell International
Details This online community and marketplace brings vehicle owners together with collision repair shops that have the capacity to perform repairs in an insurer-backed and Web-based service solution. It allows insurers to submit claims, body shops to submit proposals for the work based on delivery date, and consumers to make their own selections.
Web mitchell.com
Phone 800.238.9111
AutoShop Solutions
Details This is an Internet marketing company dedicated to the automotive industry. The founder, Danny Sanchez, is a veteran of the auto industry and a nationally recognized speaker and trainer. AutoShop Solutions specializes in award-winning websites, search engine optimization (SEO), paid search, social media marketing and email marketing.
Web autoshopsolutions.com
Phone 888.847.7036
Automotive Websites
Details Axsen designers create your site based on your choice of design, pages, text and photos. They provide professionally written copy and offer a library of more than 2 million photos to make setup easy. Axsen’s online marketing aims to get you found by Google, Yahoo and other search engines. Visit the website for more details on how Axsen can help design a site for your shop.
Web autorepairwebdesigner.com
Phone 866.462.9736
Details This online service develops websites and online marketing strategies that help small- to medium-sized body shops make more money and compete against larger shops, even in this tough economy. CollisionBuilder.com makes it easy and affordable to successfully compete online. Visit the company’s website or call for more details.
Web collisionbuilder.com
Phone 866.341.9636
OE Connection
Details This web-based tool enables shops to get quality OE parts at affordable prices. Used by thousands of repairers and dealers nationwide, it is the only tool that gives shops the opportunity to substitute aftermarket parts for OE through six leading automaker parts programs. Visit the website for more details on how CollisionLink can help your shop’s parts-ordering system.
Web oeconnection.com
Phone 888.776.5792
PartsNetwork 4.0
APU Solutions
Details This web-based software provides insurance adjusters and repair professionals access to nationwide parts availability, quality, pricing and procurement. The search is live, takes just seconds and decreases the time it takes to find and buy parts, thus decreasing cycle times. Visit the website or contact the company for more details.
Web apusolutions.com
Phone 866.599.1600
Real Parts
Details This Internet application allows collision and mechanical repair shops to quickly and easily locate recycled parts from their preferred vendors. No confusing online databases, multiple phone calls, busy signals or waiting for call backs. Availability, condition, to-your-door price and delivery are confirmed live by an assigned individual at each recycler. Visit the website for more details on Real Parts.
Web realparts.com
Phone 888.828.0014
Details This web-based service communicates vital repair status information daily and automatically to shop customers. All updates are sent by text message to the customer’s cell phone. This unique feature has proven to significantly enhance communication between shop personnel and their customers. Visit the website or call for more details on UpdatePromise.com.
Web updatepromise.com
Phone 800.276.9107