Mike Anderson

Mike Anderson, a former shop owner, operates CollisionAdvice.com, a training and consulting firm. He's also a facilitator for DuPont Performance Services' Business Council 20-groups.


Putting customer service quality first

Nov. 11, 2015
Another aspect of what I believe your company needs to do to thrive and not just survive in the future is focusing on what I call the Three Cs: CSI, closing ratio and cycle time...

Accounts and sub-accounts

Oct. 2, 2015
The fundamental purpose of a profit-and-loss or income statement is to see where you are making money and where you are losing money. But there’s also another question that profit...

More on marketing

Sept. 28, 2015
A key part of marketing is monitoring and improving your shop’s online presence, which includes regularly thinking about what you put online – and checking what others are saying...