Mike Reynolds

Mike is the owner of Mobile Automotive Service Solutions in Charleston, SC as well as an automotive technology instructor at Trident Technical College. He holds certifications as an ASE Master Technician (A1—A9, X1), and is an Advanced Level Specialist in engine performance (L1), and Hybrid/Electric vehicles (L3). Mike’s passion for challenging diagnostics and desire to promote the aftermarket repair industry led him to take his career on the road. MASS incorporates vehicle programming and diagnostics with training allowing him to help upcoming and fellow technicians from “in the trenches.”

Calibrate After Collision

What is required to calibrate a blind spot radar after a collision?

Aug. 31, 2021
This case study on 2018 Subaru Forester shows the proper procedure, as well as how much trouble can be caused by a little sticker

In the end, it's all just voltage

Sept. 1, 2020
The most complicated electrical issues that enter our bays are often faults caused by inadequate voltage supply, but they can take some critical thinking to chase down.

ADAS — a mobile tech’s experience

July 1, 2020
Transitioning from an aftermarket shop working on out of warranty vehicles to working on brand new vehicles that have been in a collision meant I had to immediately learn five...

Does the future of diagnostics hold undiagnosable issues?

May 1, 2020
How has diagnostics changed and how must we adapt?