Gary Gardella is co-owner and production manager at County Line Auto Body in Howell, N.J. The shop has a campus of eight buildings, a staff of 32, and generates $4.7 million a year in revenue from 50 to 70 vehicle repairs per week. Gardella says the family-run shop’s goal is to build a reputation for high-quality work and sharp business thinking.
We’re a high-production shop, so there’s a lot to do each day. We’re very competitive, and we impress a lot of people when we talk about what we do. We have a small campus for our shop; we have eight buildings, a total of 35,000 to 40,000 square feet on 30 acres. Each building is dedicated to different departments, like teardown and reassembly, body and paint, and detailing.
We’re building a new 10,000 square-foot-shop so that we can consolidate. Right now we move cars five or six times a day, and while a car is here it probably runs 15 to 20 miles. We have to work really hard to make things run right. The new shop will be run with lean processes, like thorough teardowns, and we’ll be more efficient. We’ll keep the other buildings, but mainly for storage.
“We take work seriously. When we’re at work, we’re at work.”
—Gary Gardella, co-owner and production manager, County Line Auto Body
Me, my brother and my father run the shop. My father started the business more than 30 years ago with a two-bay garage. It expanded from a chicken coop into this major operation. He never expected the business to be as large as it is today.
We do 90 percent collision repair work, but we are expanding to include more mechanical work. We’ve always done some, but we’re going to do more. We’re in an area that’s big for collision repair and the auto business; we’re about 15 minutes from the Jersey Shore, an hour north of Philadelphia and an hour south of New York.
My vision is that I want people to see us and what we do, and say, ‘That’s a class-act operation.”
Everything gets done in the morning. I pretty much knock out e-mails as soon as I get up, at around 4 a.m. or 4:30 a.m. That’s when I also work on our advertising; we have an ad agency that does all our design work. So in the morning I often send them e-mails about coupons, fliers and our website. We’re also working on menu boards for our waiting room, just like restaurants have menus hung up for people to order. Our customers will be able to see our services on menus. We want people to see what we have to offer.
I’m a serious runner, so every day by 5:30 a.m. or 6 a.m., I’m out running. I do mud races and obstacle races. In December I did a 24-hour race, and placed 15th in the nation. I try to do about four, maybe five races a year, depending on how my body holds up.