Flextex VT Texture Material Product Line Expansion

Sept. 23, 2021
66571cdd0c08c33c38d67472 3804kz

The Polyvance Flextex VT Texture Material Product Line has been expanded to include the 3804N-4 National Rule Reducer and two starter kits, the 3804K and the low-VOC 3804KZ. Flextex VT allows technicians to vary the size of the texture, from fine to coarse, by varying the paint reduction ratio and the spray technique. In the can, Flextex VT is a fairly thick paint which will provide a coarse texture. To achieve finer textures, Flextex VT is reduced with the appropriate reducer - 3804R-4 for low-VOC areas or 3804N-4 for National Rule areas. 

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