Web resources for women

Jan. 1, 2020
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) launched "MY BIZ for Women," a new online tool designed to provide business information and assistance to women entrepreneurs.

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) launched "MY BIZ for Women," a new online tool designed to provide business information and assistance to women entrepreneurs.

The Web portal provides information on starting and growing a small business, gaining access to capital and contracting opportunities, as well as links to other government agencies and SBA resource partners offering business counseling, a state-by-state listing of SBA's Women's Business Centers and other resource information. The site features discussions on the issues affecting women in business: business data and research; success stories; business tips; upcoming events; and insights shared by monthly guest columnists.

"Women-owned small businesses in the United States are rapidly growing," says SBA Administrator Hector V. Barreto. "They are starting businesses at twice the rate of all businesses. The introduction of 'MY BIZ for Women' is critically important to help new women entrepreneurs start and grow businesses in this country. The SBA is committed to helping women entrepreneurs obtain access to information and opportunities that will allow them to break down economic development barriers, which will allow them to start and grow their small businesses."

The "MY BIZ for Women" website can be found at www.SBA.gov/women.

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