Victor Contender AF and Cutskill 250 AF welders
June 23, 2009
Related To: Victor Technologies Group, Inc.
Thermadyne Industries' Victor has expanded their line of Alternative Fuel outfits with the release of the Contender AF and CutSkill 250 AF welders. The Contender AF includes 350 Series regulators and 1/4" T-grade hose. The CutSkill 250 outfit includes 250 Series regulators and 3/16" T-grade hose. The Contender AF features CSR350 Series regulators with gauge guards, a 315FC Welding Handle, a CA2460 cutting attachment and a 1-1-GPN cutting tip. The CutSkill 250 features RC250 Series regulators, a WH270FC-V welding handle, a CA270-V cutting attachment and a 1-3-GPN cutting tip.