The difficult economic climate is taking a toll on manufacturers as well as consumers, as the manufacturers struggle with rising raw materials and energy costs. To offset these skyrocketing costs, Affinia Group Inc. has announced that it will implement an across-the-board price increase on most of its products effective March 31. The adjustment will be 3.88 percent on all filtration products, all chassis products and all brake products except drums, rotors, shoes and ABS.
"Our people do an excellent job of keeping our costs as low as possible, and until now we have absorbed what we could not avoid, but we've come to a point where we have to recoup part of the heavy raw materials and energy increases we're being hit with," says Terry McCormack, president and CEO of Affinia.
According to McCormack, emerging nations will continue to increase global demand for commodities such as oil and raw materials for the foreseeable future. "Anyone running a large business in today's economic environment understands how globalization is not only creating competitive pressures on the selling side, it's also affecting energy and material costs at the other end of the chain.
"Energy and raw material inflation is a worldwide issue that requires a worldwide solution. Our global sourcing and manufacturing strategy has given us the ability to provide what our customers need in terms of both quality and price. We will continue to make sure our channel partners and customers are competitive in their marketplaces. Their success and ours depends on it," he adds.
For more information about Affinia Group Inc., visit the company's Web site. |