Cooper: DIY tire checks can ensure safe wintertime driving

Jan. 1, 2020
With Thanksgiving and the winter driving season fast approaching, tire dealers can assist in encouraging motorists to make sure they cover routine tire maintenance, such as checking to confirm that their tires are in the proper condition to deal with
With Thanksgiving and the winter driving season fast approaching, tire dealers can assist in encouraging motorists to make sure they cover routine tire maintenance, such as checking to confirm that their tires are in the proper condition to deal with potentially hazardous road conditions.

“People should engage in simple and easy tire maintenance at least once a month, but it’s especially important to do this during the wintertime when unpredictable weather can have an impact on road conditions and driving in general,” says Chuck Yurkovich, vice president of global technology at the Cooper Tire & Rubber Co.

With many drivers choosing to leave all-season tires on vehicles for winter driving, ongoing maintenance becomes even more critical as the Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA) reports that 11 percent – or about 28 million vehicles – have at least one bald tire, and 55 percent have at least one underinflated tire.

Yurkovich advises vehicle owners to conduct do-it-yourself maintenance checks that take less than 10 minutes a month to perform:

Examine the tread: The only piece of a vehicle to touch the road is the tires, making the tread a key factor in handling, cornering, accelerating and braking.

Tire tread depth should be more than 2/32 of an inch deep all around the tire, and drivers can check this by using a U.S. penny. Insert the edge of the coin into the tread with Lincoln going in headfirst. If the top of Lincoln’s head is covered by tread that means there is at least a minimum acceptable amount of tread; if the top of his head is visible at any location on the tire, the tire is worn out and it’s time to replace it. For winter weather driving, the more tread depth, the better.

While examining the tread, also look for signs of uneven wear or damage such as cuts, cracks, splits, punctures and bulges. These conditions shorten the life of tires and if not corrected, further tire damage or air loss may occur.



Test the air pressure: Tire pressure plays a critical role in the overall performance of tires as underinflation creates excessive stress on the tire, while overinflation can cause uneven wear in addition to handling and braking issues.

Tire pressure decreases by about one pound per square inch for every 10-degree drop in outside air temperature.

Motorists should follow the guidelines found in the vehicle owner’s manual or tire placard (or sticker) attached to the vehicle door edge to determine the correct air pressure. A common myth is that the tire pressure listed on the sidewall is the optimal pressure, while in reality it is the maximum pressure.

Air pressure should be checked when the tires are cool, meaning that they are not hot from driving – even for just a mile.

Should any of these checks reveal the need for required maintenance – or when in doubt about the condition of their tires – drivers should take vehicles to a tire dealer for a professional inspection. Cooper also recommends that motorists discuss the need for winter (snow) tires with their tire dealer, particularly those in areas where winter ice and snow storms are prevalent.

“In areas that typically experience harsh winters drivers may want to consider replacing their all-season tires with a product made specifically for that severe climate,” Yurkovich says. “The key is to have those discussions with a trusted dealer before the first storm hits. Preparedness is key.”

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