Oregon father wins Yokohama video contest

Jan. 1, 2020
Josh Barinstein of West Linn, Ore., is the grand prize winner of an all-expense paid trip to Costa Rica for his entry in Yokohama Tire Corpration's ecoTreadsettersT video contest.
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Josh Barinstein of West Linn, Ore., is the grand prize winner of an all-expense paid trip to Costa Rica for his entry in Yokohama Tire Corpration's ecoTreadsettersT video contest.

Josh Barinstein and his sons, Skyler and Nathan

Titled "Helping the Earth - One Step at a Time," the 60-second clip stars Barinstein's sons Nathan and Skyler, who give tips on how people can protect the environment, including by reusing grocery bags, recycling and using environmentally friendly products. Barinstein will travel to Costa Rica in October 2008.

"We launched ecotreadsetters.com as part of Yokohama's commitment to the environment as a socially responsible organization, as well as to establish a forum for people to come together and share ideas for making 'going green' a part of their daily routines," says Fred Koplin, YTC director of marketing communications. "The contest stimulated creativity among the participants, who showcased everything from composting and sustainable lifestyle-inspired surf expeditions to a pollution prevention potluck, which reduced vehicle emissions by encouraging employees to stay at work for lunch.

"Costa Rica was selected as the grand prize for its role as a frontrunner in the eco-tourism industry and its hands-on demonstration of the importance of preserving our natural resources."

According to Barinstein, "I entered the ecoTreadsetters contest because I'm truly passionate about helping the environment. Tools like ecoTreadsetters create momentum by allowing people to come together for a common cause, spreading knowledge and inspiring one another to get active and creative in the ways we can all have a positive impact on our planet."

For more information, visit www.yokohamatire.com.

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