Jan. 18, 2012—GRC-Pirk Management recently announced it will provide free templates and telephone consultations to assist shops with annual notification requirements under the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) 6H rule.
The EPA requires all spray coating operations to comply with the 6H Rule, which means most body shops must file an annual notification by Feb. 29, said Shannon McDaniel, senior environmental engineer for GRC-Pirk Management. “In support of the EPA Collision Repair Campaign, we are helping shops navigate through the confounding language and confusing requirements of the compliance codes.”
“Although the Jan. 10, 2011 compliance deadline has long since passed, spray coating operations are still required to report compliance or risk violation,” said Steven Schillinger, president of GRC-Pirk. “By not reporting compliance, there is a risk of violating the Clean Air Act. Knowing how to follow the HAPs 6H requirements can benefit those working in the collision repair industry, both economically and environmentally.”
The EPA's 6H rule regulates paint stripping and miscellaneous surface coating operations with equipment, training and reporting requirements. It was created to regulate the use of products containing methylene chloride, chromium, lead, manganese, nickel and cadmium—known as hazardous air pollutants—to reduce health and environmental threats.
For more information, or to acquire GRC-Pirk Management’s notification template, visit haps6h.com.