In an effort to provide a more efficient and simpler way for shops that are not a COD (Circle of Dependability) shop, Farmers Insurance has launched a new web-based program to submit estimates and supplements for approval. The new program, Choices, is a web-based claims processing engine that will accept any of the three major estimating software systems.
To participate in the Choices program, a shop must register on the website, When a shop receives Choices claims information from the customer, they simply log in to the website and submit the estimate, photos and if needed request supplements. The estimate (Audatex, CCC or Mitchell) is accepted through the website and imported into the Farmers claims system. No rekeying estimates will be required to upload the data, creating a more efficient process for both shop and insurer. If a shop does not have one of the three major estimating systems, a shop can still use the website to submit the images of damage and the estimate. The estimate will be rekeyed by Farmers using its preferred estimating system.
In managing the claim, the shop can follow the status through the website and if need be, communicate with claims staff. Shops that are already registered to the “Shop of Choice” for other insurance companies do not need to register again to participate in the Farmers “Choices” website. Once into the website, the shop will choose the option to submit a new estimate or request a supplement on a previously written estimate by a Farmers appraiser.
This program for Farmers is designed and developed around the NuGen IT, Inc. Collision Data Exchange Technology. While neither Farmers nor NuGen IT were available to discuss the rollout of Choices, it is believed the program will be implemented nationwide before the end of the year.