Sears donates over $160,000 to support CREF

April 19, 2018
The donation included nearly $137,000 worth of tool boxes that will be distributed to students studying for a career in the collision repair industry.
Sears have donated over $160,000 to support collision school students through the Collision Repair Education Foundation (CREF). The donation included nearly $137,000 worth of tool boxes that will be distributed to students studying for a career in the collision repair industry. Sears also donated $25,000 to the Foundation to support it work to assist high school and college collision programs, instructors, and students nationwide and help connect graduates with employers.
Sears will also be participating in all of the Education Foundation’s 2018 career fair events to engage students with their Vo-Tech program. “It’s been a privilege to partner with CREF this year, and Sears is committed in providing the best tools for our new and existing members in the mechanic field,” said Steve Orozco, Project Manager-Tools Division for Sears. Brandon Eckenrode, Collision Repair Education Foundation Director of Development said, “The Foundation would like to thank Sears for their continued support of the Education Foundation’s work improving high school and college collision school programs, providing students with the training they need to succeed, and connecting those students with the array of career opportunities in our industry. Students who have graduated from schools supported by the Foundation are better prepared to enter the industry as productive, efficient entry-level employees.” Industry members interested in joining the Collision Repair Education Foundation’s roster of supporters to assist high school and post-secondary collision school programs and students should contact Director of Development Brandon Eckenrode at 847.463.5245 or [email protected]
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