Sativa Ross

A PR account supervisor with Weber Shandwick, Sativa Ross has 10 years of automotive communications experience, including stints at Ford Motor Co. and Aftermarket Business magazine, a sister publication to Motor Age. She has won numerous PR and editorial awards and has written articles on store and shop operations, business management issues and new trends impacting the industry. She is presently handling publicity efforts for the FRAM, Prestone, Autolite and Bendix brands.
Shop Customers

California emissions legislation may have far-reaching implications

Jan. 1, 2020
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will sign on Jan. 1, 2007, a new bill that will cap emissions of greenhouse gases from sources within the state of California to 1990...

Take an inside look at your competitors

Jan. 1, 2020
Every year, you submit detailed information about your business to your big brother at the IRS — salaries, benefits, profits, expenses and payment terms.
Shop Customers

A state of organizational fatigue?

Jan. 1, 2020
Pep Boys seemed fairly confident that an aggressive overhaul in late 2004 would help boost profits and give their name a fair shake on Wall Street. But in the course of the last...

Following the money trail

Jan. 1, 2020
Performing an operations audit should take you on a path to improved business profitability.