Matco Tools

Stow, OH 44224


About Matco Tools


4403 Allen Rd.
Stow, OH 44224

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Wholesale distribution of professional mechanics' hand tools and equipment, and manufacturer of metal storage boxes.

Products & Press Releases

Matco Tools
Ray-Ban Meta Wayfarer Black with Transition Green Lenses, No. RB0RW4006
Products, Tools & Equipment

Ray-Ban Meta Wayfarer Black with Transition Green Lenses, No. RB0RW4006

Jan. 29, 2025
The Ray-Ban Meta Wayfarer Black with Transition Green Lenses, No. RB0RW4006, from Matco Tools, features light-responsive lenses that adapt from being fully clear indoors to fully...
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240 Series Welding Helmet with Patriotic Design, No. ADBW240VGP

May 17, 2018
The Matco Tools 240 Series Welding Helmet with Patriotic Design, No. ADBW240VGP, offers high performance protection with American pride. The helmet has an auto darkening feature...
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240 Series Welding Helmet with Canadian Maple Leaf Design, No. ADBW240VGC

May 17, 2018
The Matco Tools 240 Series Welding Helmet with Canadian Maple Leaf Design, No. ADBW240VGC, offers high performance protection with Canadian pride. The helmet has an auto darkening...
Mtpk76 Product Image Primary Image 1500

Microtorch Kit with Pliers, No MTPK76

Nov. 27, 2017
The Matco Tools Microtorch Kit with Pliers, No MTPK76, is designed for electronics, wiring and terminal soldering. The torch attachments are made for long lasting, continuous ...
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Angle Die Grinder, No. MT1983

March 17, 2015
The Matco Tools Angle Die Grinder, No. MT1983 offers an angled head for increased clearance. These die grinders can be used for polishing and grinding jobs with all size pads....
Matco upholstery tool set, No. UP4SET

Matco upholstery tool set, No. UP4SET

May 5, 2014
The Matco Tools Upholstery Tool Set, No. UP4SET, provides a complete set for removing door panel fasteners, upholstery, and trim clips for dashboards and consoles. It works on...
Matcotoolsreversingcutofftooln 10225962

Reversing Cut-Off Tool, No. MT2871R

June 16, 2010
Matco Tools' Reversing Cut-Off Tool, No. MT2871R, has a 0.8 HP motor for increased power. A unique, adjustable locking guard allows users to rotate the device to 16 different ...
Fourpieceairhammerkitno 10107031

Four-piece Air Hammer Kit, No. MC4S

April 6, 2010
Matco Tools' Four-piece Air Hammer Kit, No. MC4S, features black-onyx finish for corrosion resistance and 9260 superior grade tool steel for tough applications. Kit includes:6...
Magneticpowerhanginghookno 10101388

Magnetic Power Hanging Hook, No. MAGSW12 and MAGSW6

May 15, 2008
The Magnetic Power Hanging Hooks, Nos. MAGSW12 and MAGSW6, from Matco offer 155 lbs. of breakaway force, and include magnetic technology from Magswitch featuring an intense magnet...
7piecebodyandfenderrepairtoolskitno 10100990

7-piece body and fender repair tools kit No. BF47K

March 7, 2008
Matco Tools' 7-piece Body and Fender Repair Tools Kit, No. BF47K, features a hammer design with a slightly larger handle for strength and a two-wedge assembly system for a tight...

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All content from Matco Tools

Powerprobeelectronicignitionsolderkitno 10098903

Power Probe Electronic Ignition Solder Kit No. PPSK

Feb. 26, 2008
All New A new item from Matco Power Probe Part, No. PPSK, is the Power Probe Electronic Ignition Solder Kit. The kit comes complete with: three Solder tips. one heat injection...
Wb99020weldingbenchno 10098923

WB99020 Welding Bench No. WB99020

Feb. 26, 2008
New from Matco is their WB99020 Welding Bench for use with welders, metal chop saws, tile cutting saws and other bench top tools. The platform features a unique scissors action...
Mplasma25120voltinverterplasmacutter 10098927

MPLASMA25 120-volt Inverter Plasma Cutter

Feb. 26, 2008
New from Matco is their MPLASMA25 120-volt Inverter Plasma Cutter. The new tool uses an inverter-based cutter with a cutting capacity of up to 1/4". A lightweight design (14 lbs...