March 6, 2020—On March 3, the Minnesota House Commerce Committee held an oversight hearing on the Alliance of Automotive Service Providers of Minnesota's legislative proposal to ensure coverage and payment for repairs conducted in accordance with original vehicle manufacturer repair procedures.
Commerce Committee Chair, Representative Laurie Halverson, DFL-Eagan, offered the Oversight Hearing to air the issues when AASP-MN reported to her that it had not reached a compromise with the insurance industry on the measure.
The hearing did not involve debating the specific language of the proposal. No action by the Committee was expected and none was taken.
Darrell Amberson served as the association's spokesperson to deliver testimony on the repair industry's position. He cited the repair industry perspective that, with the increasing technological sophistication of vehicles, it has become more important to follow all vehicle-specific repair procedures to ensure that vehicles are restored to safe operating condition – including all of the operations necessary to test and recalibrate sensors and other systems designed to ensure occupant safety.
Parts recyclers, including LKQ and the Automotive Recyclers of Minnesota, got into the mix, as well. They indicated that reliance on original vehicle manufacturer procedures would “stifle healthy competition”.
Ryan Cropper, owner of Able Body Shop, says there are merits to having a repair planning technician. Check out why it might be beneficial to have an employee dedicated to researching OEM repair procedures: