Collision Industry Conference to hold first in-person hybrid meeting post-pandemic

March 24, 2021
After nearly a year of virtual meetings, the Collision Industry Conference (CIC) is returning to an in-person format with a virtual option on April 21 and 22 at the Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort in Phoenix, Arizona.
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After nearly a year of virtual meetings, the Collision Industry Conference (CIC) is returning to an in-person format with a virtual option on April 21 and 22 at the Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort in Phoenix, Arizona. The two-day meeting and networking reception will follow an agenda that’s not to be missed; packed with relevant presentations, including panel discussions and insights as to the future of the industry.

Having a dual-format meeting with Gold Pin members invited to the in-person meeting and other participants invited to participate live in the meeting via Zoom conferencing. Due to Arizona COVID restrictions, the in-person is limited to active 2021 Gold Pin participants. Those not able to attend, or do not have a current Gold Pin can sign up to attend the virtual option.

The agenda is set to include a special presentation from the Emerging Technologies Committee on SRS Repair Information & Inspection Best Practice Development and EV Servicing Essentials. This special presentation will include a review of the skills and tools needed to complete a calibration properly as well as discussing dynamic and static calibrations. It includes a panel discussion of subject-matter experts in the EV arena, presenting unique views into the challenges a repair shop overcomes with EV vehicles. In that same subject of ADAS, the Industry Relations Committee will discuss building stakeholder trust in the ADAS procedures.

Multiple committees plan to have panel discussions, including the Data Education & Golden Rules panel planned by the Data Access, Privacy, and Security Committee. They also plan a special presentation from CIECA on EMS, BMS, and JSON, towards their goal of educating the industry regarding data. Future Disruptions committee members will talk about the Collision Industry 2035, and where OEMs, repairers, insurers, and supplier’s people, processes, and technologies have already changed dramatically because the vehicle, its components, repair procedures, and the consumer require it!

Committees offering up their expertise or insights are Governmental, Human Resources, the Marketing Council, Parts and Materials, and the Education & Talent Pool. A full complete agenda – and attendee program - with times will be available on the website soon!As always there will be open mic time where participants can ask questions and give feedback to the body. CIC is excited to be back to the in-person format and looks forward to getting a lot accomplished at this meeting for the benefit of the entire industry.

To learn more about upcoming CIC meetings, or to sign up to attend visit: 

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