The Best Workplaces

The FenderBender Best Workplaces


FenderBender is on the hunt for the industry’s best places to work—the shops that see the importance in building workplace cultures where employees feel respected and valued. The Best Workplaces aims to look for businesses where “culture” isn’t just a buzzword, but is part of the value system and day-to-day of the shop. In an industry where the talent shortage is at an all-time high, these shops go above and beyond in helping to develop employees, both professionally and personally, to both build an all-star team and retain them.

Nominate Now


What We're Looking For

The Best Workplaces isn’t about the shops that offer the best benefits or the most impressive perks; instead, it’s about finding the shops—regardless of size—that have built a unique, strong shop culture that every employee buys into.

How to Nominate

Anyone in the industry can nominate a shop for The Best Workplaces—it’s free and requires simply filling out a quick form and answering a few questions. From there, the editorial team will go through the nominations, whittle down finalists, and vet those finalists. The winners will be selected based on a number of criteria, as outlined below in the nomination form, but organization size, workforce makeup and what’s typical in the industry and region will also be kept in mind.

Why Nominate

Three shops will be named The Best Workplaces, split up by staff size (under 10, 10-20, 20+).

The winners of The Best Workplaces will each be profiled in the March issue, will receive a plaque to hang in the shop naming them The Best Workplace, and will be the subject of a video and podcast, both of which can be utilized as marketing material for the shop.

Nominations are now closed. Thank you to all who participated!



We’re here to help! If you have any additional questions about the FenderBender Best Workplaces, please contact our team at [email protected].