Shop-Ware, Inc.

San Francisco, CA 94103


About Shop-Ware, Inc.


475 9th Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 890-0906

More Info on Shop-Ware, Inc.

shop-ware logo

Started in Luscious Garage in San Francisco in 2013, Shop-Ware has developed into an industry-leading auto repair shop management software. Founder Carolyn Coquillette continues to lead a team that focuses on making auto repair more transparent so customers can see the value of the skills of techs and other problem solvers in shops.

By using the Digital Vehicle Experience (DVX™) and Capacity features, Shop-Ware aims to make shops more efficient and more profitable. Shop-Ware’s shop management software harnesses the power of modern communication via photos, videos, texting and the industry’s first live chat. As Carolyn says, “We succeed when our shops succeed.”

Articles & News

Many owners have leaped into a second auto body shop only to discover they didn’t have processes and systems they could duplicate.

10 tips before you buy your second auto body shop

Dec. 1, 2022
Many owners have leaped into a second auto body shop only to discover they didn’t have processes and systems they could duplicate.

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