
Pella, IA 50219


About Trick-Tools


80 Truman Road
Pella, IA 50219

More Info on Trick-Tools

Van Sant Enterprises, Inc.
Hours: 8 - 5 CST Monday - Friday or 24 hr. Fax

Need Driving Instructions? Click Here for the Map

80 Truman Road | Pella, IA 50219
877-826-7268 | Phone 641-628-3860 | Fax 641-628-2614 | E-mail
[email protected]

Products & Press Releases

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Multitool Belt Grinder

July 16, 2015
The Trick Tools Multitool Belt Grinder includes a 2" by 36" belt grinding attachment with a 1hp grinder motor. The tool offers a belt speed of approximately 5,400 surface feet...
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Ron Covell Round-Over Dies

Jan. 16, 2015
The Trick Tools Ron Covell Round-Over Dies, used for rounding edges on fenders, are precision machined from heat-treated steel and can handle up to 16-gauge mild steel. Rolls,...

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