May 29, 2020—Stressful times require compassionate leadership from business owners like those that run body shops, according to longtime business consultant Peter Barron Stark, who recently wrote a lengthy blog post on the subject.
Stark said that, when members of a business staff are stressed during uncertain times like the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, business leaders need to "turn up the volume on compassion." Below are a few of the best ways to accomplish that.
Encourage employees to talk.
Connecting with others in a meaningful way tends to lead to better mental and physical health, Stark noted. That's why it's important, during times like these, to take the time to talk, socialize (with appropriate distance these days, of course), and connect with your team. A few minutes spent with a staff member today can be a valuable investment for years to come, the consultant said.
Walk in another person's shoes.
It's easy to be compassionate if you stop and think "How would I feel if I were in an employee's situation," Stark explained.
Legitimately listen to what's said.
Compassion is all about listening and trying to understand what another person is feeling. Once you've listened, it's important as a leader to respond compassionately.
Give your time.
Giving your time to someone demonstrates that they're truly important to you, Stark noted. In the end, it's relationships that you create, build and nourish that truly matter.