Discover Leadership Training Approved for AMi Credit
Jan. 10, 2017
Jan. 10, 2017—The Automotive Management Institute (AMi) announced on Monday the approval of the Discover Leadership Master Graduate Program and Ignition Program for elective credit hours.
Past and future students that have successfully completed the Master Graduate Program will be awarded 60 AMi elective credits hours and 24 credit hours for the Ignition Leadership Program toward the achievement of AMi's Accredited Automotive Office Manager (AAOM), Accredited Automotive Manager (AAM) and Accredited Master Automotive Manager (AMAM) professional designations.
"Discover Leadership Training is always looking for organizations that are focused on helping people create a better version of themselves and AMi is certainly doing that for thousands," said Mike Jones, president and master trainer at Discover Leadership, about the approval. “The win-win relationship between AMi and Discover Leadership Training will give the businesses we serve the winning edge.”
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