Jan. 3, 2017—The Collision Industry Foundation (CIF) will host its seventh annual gala fundraiser on Jan. 12 at 6 p.m. in Palm Springs, Calif. The event will be held at the LuLu California Bistro in Palm Springs.
This year’s gala will be aimed at aiding the efforts of the Collision Industry Relief Fund, which will help collision repair professionals who lost their livelihoods due to natural disasters or catastrophes. In the past, the fund has helped those affected by hurricanes like Katrina and Sandy.
The fundraiser costs $60 per person if the fee is prepaid, and $75 per person for those paying at the door. Those unable to attend the gala that are nonetheless wishing to make donations may do so by clicking here.
The Collision Industry Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable foundation that was established in 2001.