Oct. 31, 2018—According to recent research, the global automotive lifts market is expected to increase to $1.38 billion by 2025, up from $1.17 billion in 2017.
According to research shared by marketinginsightsreports.com, the lifts market is expected to experience a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2 percent during the forecast period of 2018-25.
Lifts obviously play a key role in collision repair and vehicle maintenance, regardless of vehicle overhaul or minor maintenance, and lifts clearly affect the safety of shop personnel, the report noted. Major lift manufacturers covered in the report included the likes of Rotary, Hunter, Challenger Lifts, MAHA, LAUNCH, EAE, Peak, Nussbaum, and Bendpak-Ranger.
The full report can be accessed by clicking here.