Increase Paint Shop Efficiency

March 1, 2019

Save time, money and resources using SATA® RPS® Multipurpose Cups.

SATA® RPS® Multipurpose Cups save time, paint and cleaning materials, and use a unique venting system that allows for an even flow rate, constant color match, and constant film build—whether the cup is entirely full, half full, or just has a couple ounces in it, all of the paint will be sprayed from the cup down to the last drop.

The cups can be used for mixing, spraying and storage.

RPS Cup Benefits

Bendable: The RPS cups have the built-in flexibility of the cup lid, which allows painters to tilt the cups forward or side to side to spray at different angles. This flexibility assists in making the RPS a great solution for more difficult paint jobs (excluding the 0.3 L minijet version).

Clean: Removing the cup from the spray gun is a clean process. When the paint job is finished, squeeze the RPS cup and close the vent cap to create a vacuum inside. Now, turn the spray gun upside down and pull the trigger to empty the material passage, ensuring easy gun cleaning and a tidy workplace.

Safe: The material cup may accidentally knock into the vehicle or panel stand. Due to the robust threaded connection between the cup and the lid, any chance of the cup becoming detached is avoided.

Refillable: The design of the cup allows for simple and clean refilling, and the paint strainer can be exchanged by a spare strainer at any time.

For more information, go to or call 800-533-8016.

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