Aug. 27, 2019—Drivers in Boise, Idaho, are the country's safest when taking into account population density, according to the newest set of rankings from the 2019 Allstate America's Best Drivers Report.
Allstate is offering $150,000 in grants that can be used for safety improvement projects on "Risky Roads" which were identified in June. Local safety experts are working with Allstate to determine which projects will make a positive impact for motorists driving on these crash-prone streets.
These are the 15 safest driving cities in America when accounting for population density.
Following Boise, Idaho, the top five include Brownsville, Texas, Laredo, Texas. Fort Collins, Colo., and Madison, Wis.
Using Allstate claims data, Allstate analysts use a predictive model to compare each city's collision frequency when factoring in its population – resulting in large jumps for dense cities like New York City (up 92 spots), Jersey City (up 74 spots), Chicago (up 49 spots) and Miami (up 47 spots), when compared to the list that doesn't take population density into account.