Despite its goal to not have customers return with their cars, the shop does have repeat customers – a significant chunk of the business, in fact. The big driver for the shop is dealership partners, from which the shop has built multiple relationships, partnering with the local Volkswagen, Mercedes, Mazda and Volvo outlets.
Because of its affiliations with local dealers, and the fact that they work on luxury vehicles, advertising would seem essential to get the word out. But in fact, the only place ProTech invests is in the Yellow Pages. "We rely on our dealership partners and insurance partners to bring us business. To be honest, in the past year, it's been more than we can handle," Ryskoski says.
As for competition, he adds that, "it's been interesting," but neither he nor Jordan are losing much sleep worrying about competitors. They are focusing on quality instead. The shop's current location near NASA, attracts a fair amount of engineers and professional clientele. Because of the technical nature of the customers, the shop takes great pride in its craftsmanship, knowing vehicle owners will notice if quality falters.