Herbert Winslow opened Car Struction Collision Center in Chesapeake, Va., in 1989 with a tiny facility and equipment purchased on his dad’s charge card. Thanks to savvy marketing and customer care techniques, the shop has since blossomed into a 43,000-square-foot, 33-employee operation.
I used to be the king of Greenbrier. I dominated this market back in the day. But everyone saw how good I was doing, and several competing shops went up all over the place. I was being attacked from all sides. I considered selling to a consolidator, but just couldn’t follow through with that. This is all I have ever known, and my whole family is involved in the business. I couldn’t sell something that I gave birth to. This is my baby; I live and breathe this place.
I decided to stand strong and go a different route. I really started marketing and strengthening my brand, which is now my main daily focus and objective. It’s paid off—after 23 years of business, we’ve grown every year except for two.
I like to take it easy in the morning. I’ve paid my dues with 12-hour workdays, so I try not to rush out anymore. I’ve got three managers in place who are capable of taking care of morning business, so I don’t need to be there right away. I raise chickens at home, so I wake up around 6 a.m. every day to feed the animals, read the paper and have my coffee.
I get to the shop about 9 a.m. The first order of business is to touch base with the technicians. I find out how everyone is doing and chat about the latest football game. Meanwhile, I visually track everything happening on the shop floor. I make sure jobs are on track, assess repair procedures and look for performance issues.
Then I walk through the parts department to assess inventory. I track when parts are scheduled to be used and try to clean up the inventory if some parts have been sitting too long. I also read through the latest customer satisfaction reports and comment cards, and meet with the managers to discuss any issues or concerns that need to be addressed that day. I spend each morning checking these specific areas to stay in tune with operations.
I go to the gym three days a week to see a personal trainer. That’s usually from 11 a.m. to noon on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It serves as a structured time to get some work-life balance, and, of course, stay healthy.
My son goes with me. He’s the production manager at the shop, so we use that time to discuss business and lay out new strategies. It’s a great time to hash things out and process frustrations. I’m hoping to hand the business over to him when I retire in five years, so this one-on-one time provides him with insight as to what it takes to lead the company.
I like to be around in the afternoon when customers pick up their cars. That’s an important element to build our brand image. People like to know who owns the place and interact with business leaders on a personal level. I spend an hour a day greeting people at the door. We have several promotional items, like branded T-shirts, and I like to give a few things to each customer.
That face time with customers has developed relationships and driven repeat business. I assess business reports every Monday—half of our customers are repeats, while another 25 percent are customer referrals. I put a referral rewards program in place to promote and thank past customers for sending work our way. They get $25 in cash or shop credit for every customer referred. Customers get to choose which benefit they want.
The whole customer experience is what sets us apart from other shops, and serves as the basis for our marketing and branding package. We offer premium services and a high quality customer experience—that’s exactly the message I use to market the shop. You have to give customers more than what they ask for. We do everything possible to make the repair experience convenient and comfortable. The customer lounge offers Wi-Fi, satellite radio, leather sofas, oriental rugs and original artwork. It also includes a full kitchenette equipped with a Keurig coffee machine, snacks, tables and granite countertops.