AASP grant deadline

Jan. 1, 2020
The deadline for the Alliance of Automotive Service Providers (AASP) 2012 Industry Improvement Grant applications is Friday, October 7th.
The deadline for the Alliance of Automotive Service Providers (AASP) 2012 Industry Improvement Grant applications is Friday, October 7th.

Interested parties can visit www.autoserviceproviders.com for additional information and to download a grant application. Grant proposals must have a sponsoring AASP Affiliate and/or involvement of the AASP National office.

The Industry Improvement Grant initiative was established by AASP in 2010 to provide funding for innovative and collaborative projects and programs that address unmet needs within the mechanical and collision repair industries.

The Alliance of Automotive Service Providers is a coalition of associations which serve over 8,500 members of the automotive service industry. In a spirit of mutual cooperation and support, Alliance participants are committed to sharing information, knowledge and other resources for the benefit of the members they serve.

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