TRIB/TIA website rallies for tornado and flood disaster relief

Jan. 1, 2020
Updates and advice regarding the recent tornado outbreak and Mississippi River flooding is now available on the ?Treads of Care? Internet page jointly created by the Tire Industry Association (TIA) and the Tire Retread & Repair Information Bureau
Updates and advice regarding the recent tornado outbreak and Mississippi River flooding is now available on the “Treads of Care” Internet page jointly created by the Tire Industry Association (TIA) and the Tire Retread & Repair Information Bureau (TRIB).

The site provides information, links and downloads that tire industry businesses, their employees, their customers and all other interested parties can use to help aid in disaster recovery efforts; you can also set up links from your own websites and social media posts.

It includes tips on how to avoid making donations to unscrupulous charitable organizations, links to charitable organizations and ways businesses can raise funds for the recovery efforts. Additionally, there are downloadable web ads, sample social media text, plus there is a downloadable QRC code that can direct camera-enabled smart phones to the page.

“We have received a tremendous response to the creation of Treads of Care, and both TIA and TRIB felt it was only logical to expand this effort to help our fellow Americans,” says TIA Executive Vice President Roy Littlefield.

“Our members in the U.S. and abroad continue to be impacted by these incredible natural disasters,” notes TRIB managing director David Stevens. “Yet these same members continue to show their generosity in giving their time, resources and financial aid to others impacted by these events, and we’re glad to do our small part through Treads of Care to aid these efforts.”

For more information, visit

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