Continental to truckers: Give us your opinions of new tire design

Jan. 1, 2020
For the first time, Continental is inviting commercial truck drivers and fleet managers to give their feedback regarding a future super single drive tire for highway use. Opinions are being solicited at this week's Mid- America Truck Show in Louisvil
For the first time, Continental is inviting commercial truck drivers and fleet managers to give their feedback regarding a future super single drive tire for highway use. Opinions are being solicited at this week's Mid-America Truck Show in Louisville, Ky.

Dubbed the “HDL2 Eco Plus” and expected to launch later this year, the new tire under development will replace dual fitments with the goals of providing superior fuel economy, exceptional traction and weight reduction, according to Roger Stansbie, director of radial truck tire engineering.

“We are currently running two competing designs in a unique real-world test, utilizing our Untamed Innovation Tour mobile exhibit,” he says.

The two designs will be on display on the exhibit floor and on the Untamed Innnovation Tour 2, which is an International LoneStar tractor with an attached 53-foot exhibit showcasing Continental’s tires and technologies.

Show attendees are invited to come to the Continental booth to see the tires under consideration and ask questions about the engineering features. They can then visit the company’s Facebook page, where they can see additional photos of the two tires and post their views.

“While our ultimate choice will depend on the tire’s performance and durability, we welcome the commentary of the drivers and fleet managers who attend the Mid-America Truck Show and use these products every day,” says Clif Armstrong, director of marketing for commercial vehicle tires.

“This is their unique chance to give direct feedback to the 1,700 Continental engineers worldwide who develop our products – and to be a part of our tire development process. There’s no better place to do this than the industry’s largest trucking event, Mid-America,” he adds.

For more information, visit tire and

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