
Conway, Arkansas 72032


About Cartec


309 Exchange Ave
Conway, Arkansas 72032
United States of America
+1 800-362-4618

More Info on Cartec

Cartec Logo

Cartec, a brand under Snap-on Incorporated, specializes in the engineering and manufacturing of testing and diagnostics technology for cars and trucks. Their product range includes brake testers, suspension testers, and emission analyzers. Cartec is known for its innovative solutions, such as the Theta principle-based suspension tester and radio-powered technology for test lanes. The company operates globally, providing high-quality products and services to meet customer requirements.

Products & Press Releases

Photo courtesy of Cartec
Products, Tools & Equipment

Headlight Tester, No. 433-HA

Dec. 2, 2024
The Cartec Headlight Tester, No. 433-HA, is crafted from a robust alloy material and suited for advanced lighting systems. The tester's column is lightweight, easy to adjust, ...

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