Nov. 4, 2011—About 32 percent of all drivers admit to drowsy driving, according to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety's 2011 safety culture survey.
A study release_notesd last year by the AAA Foundation revealed that one of every six deadly crashes, and one of every eight crashes causing serious injury, involved a drowsy driver.
"Although the vast majority of drivers recognize the serious threat of drowsy driving, a 'Do as I Say, Not as I Do' attitude exists when getting behind the wheel. Drowsy driving kills, just as sure as drunk, drugged and distracted driving does," said Peter Kissinger, president and CEO of the AAA Foundation. "Drivers have a tendency to underestimate the impact being tired has on their driving ability, which puts themselves and others at risk."
Recent AAA Foundation research on drowsy driving found that two out of every five drivers—41 percent—admit to have actually fallen asleep at the wheel at some point. One out of every 10 drivers admits to falling asleep within the past year.
"What's so alarming is that over half of these drivers reported having fallen asleep while driving on high‐speed roads," said Jake Nelson, director of traffic safety advocacy and research for AAA. "These data underscore the importance of educating drivers about the dangers of drowsy driving."
For more information on drowsy driving, visit