ITW Evercoat

Cincinnati, OH 45242


About ITW Evercoat


6600 Cornell Road
Cincinnati, OH 45242
(513) 489-7600
(513) 489-9229

More Info on ITW Evercoat

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Evercoat, a division of Illinois Tool Works (ITW) is the market leader in automotive aftermarket fillers and putties. Our innovative and unique, patented formulations and time-saving standard operating procedures help ensure a perfect collision repair, every time. Evercoat began as Fibre-Glass Evercoat in 1953, when our first formulations were developed in Cincinnati and sold throughout the US, primarily to the marine market. Shortly after 1953, we recognized the need for good quality fillers and putties for the automotive aftermarket and began marketing Evercoat products designed for use in automotive body repair.

Products & Press Releases

Light Speed System

Light Speed System

Nov. 11, 2021
The Evercoat Light Speed System uses LED curing to reduce time between application and sanding. Using the Light Speed system, users are able to make fast repairs. The system includes...

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